From a Kingdom perspective, a midwife walks with, and assists someone in the transition from one world to the next, from darkness into light, from sin into salvation, from lost to found, from woundedness to healing, from brokenness to wholeness, from an old season into a new - even from life into death. A midwife comes along beside - like the Holy Spirit, the comforter, the helper - to be personally involved in someone's daily struggles to assist in transition. This is a Kingdom Mandate - to bring the culture of Heaven down into the Earth, its land, its time and space, and all its life forms. It is also how you fulfill your destiny and inherit your birthright. This is the Midwife's Heritage, one that brings Glory to God our Father and brings us deeper into the dreaming Heart of the Father that is our God.
From The Author
This is a collection of true encounters, spiritual encounters for spiritual pilgrims that will hopefully weave an incredible tapestry of the heart of Yahweh for His children. A mother's biological experience of birth overwhelmingly captures every ounce of her physical being and has drawn endless cultural attention as a cataclysmic event. The actual moments of birth are indeed spectacular and amazing - a miraculous event that reflects the Heart of God.
But surprisingly this cataclysmic transaction accounts for perhaps one tenth of what is actually packed into this small window of time. The remaining ninety percent of this phenomenal wonder occurs in a supernatural world unseen by our human eyes.
The true stories in this first book have focused on redeeming the gift of Kairos moments for God's Kingdom, and a tiny bit of how angelic forces help us do that in the midst of a world of darkness. These amazing adventures happen to occur in the lives of two midwives in the flourishing agricultural Eagle River Valley in Colorado. Nanna and Mercy live life from the Kingdom backwards, caught in the crossfire of the natural and supernatural realms. They carry a passion for bringing the Kingdom of Heaven down into the Earth.
This book is not about birth or midwifery. It is a collection of stories that demonstrate the faithfulness of Yahweh God, the designer of birth, and the author of its supernatural dimensions, who engages intimately with Earth to touch our every need. It is His story written through the lives of His people and is set in a Hebraic Christian Community with emphasis on many of the Hebraic roots of Christianity.