Walking With Angels and Dragons Book Review

It is the key to transforming the world around you. ~ Savta Chapman.

Savta Chapman writes an amazing book that speaks of the unseen heavenly realms in Walking with Angels and Dragons: The Midwife’s Heritage Book 1, opening a way deep into the Father’s heart of love.  Built on revelation of one’s inheritance in the Kingdom of God, this is an amazingly eloquent book incorporating Kingdom principals of divine inheritance – Midwifery (the Intercessor).  With every sentence, the author captures the emotion and timelessness of eternity, explaining our heritage as children of God (and intercessors aka midwives) to call down the Kingdom of Heaven into the earthly realm.  

This is a book focused on the art of midwifery: to assist, as a midwife assists in the birth process during transition – midwifes assist in the birth of the supernatural into the natural, helping those in travail to birth their destiny within the Kingdom of God.  This is a wonderfully written, poetic creation intertwining Biblical foundations of who God the Father is, giving more insight into creation and Yahweh, revealing the multi-faceted reality of the spirit world within the natural world and by giving keen insight into the dimensions of prayer, dreams and visions from true-life accounts of those who have had experiences with angels, demons, with experiences of those who have either seen Heaven and Hell or had visions of them.

One will encounter real experiences of real people that have had true spiritual encounters with angels, demons and Heaven and Hell.  Only names and places have been changed to protect the person’s integrity. As the author comments, “They are shared in hopes of stirring up curiosity, expanding your vision and wonder, and awakening a hunger for the things unseen that can impact the birth of each new spirit-vessel exponentially.”  This is Hebraic Midwifery.  The author goes into detail how this book is not about birthing babies, but birthing Heaven into Earth – an invading culture that brings life and further states, “One that brings glory and honor to God our Father and brings us closer to the Father that is our God.”   

Walking with Angels and Dragons: The Midwife’s Heritage Book 1
Savta Chapman
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars